Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I was bored  so i Interviewed my family, next i sent an email to my aunt for more information.
She sent me too much information back so i decided to make a family tree, from there i went on to make a prezzi, and an infographic to properly understand my families complexity.

Monday, May 5, 2014

First off, if this was a rap i would rate it low, however it has a much deeper meeting than just words. I am not guilty of doing this because i don't use my phone that much and some people see that as bad or wasting a phone, but i see it as taking time for things that really matter. The guy has a good point if we're always on our phones we are really missing all the things in life, and it is going to stop us from reaching some things. We need to be less dependent of our phones and learn to live the way where we are smarter than our phones.

Monday, April 28, 2014

5 Picture Story-Board

Step One: Approach the gym.
Step Two: Stretch it out.
Step Three: Go big or go home
Step Four: Nutrition
Step Five: Chillin with the ladies

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The main event of this piece is to institute in the minds of students that in reality teachers are people too. They are there for you and want you to succeed almost more than you do. Teachers have feelings for the kids they teach and they care about you as a person. The purpose of education is not just to gain knowledge of information learned but to learn how to deal with the real world problems of anxiety, temptation, and excitement.

Monday, April 21, 2014

My stop animation took a really long time because i took the pictures on my phone and because of that i had to either email them to my self in which i would have to open each individually or i had to sync them to the computer. During this process i had movie maker at my house and movie maker here and there is no direct way to connect with another movie maker or even import your movie from my own movie maker, this proved dis settling and i have still yet to get my movie maker complete.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

i am going to show my day for my stop animation, golf range